Obtaining online degrees can be a quick way to achieve a well-rounded education while continuing a current career. Recently, a Florida-based university has introduced a master's program in U.S. law that can be completed via the internet.
Students are not required to relocate to study law, but can take all courses online. The work is presented in various methods, including taped lectures and interactive forums with fellow students. They also have access to a prestigious legal database to use for research. Coursework can be done at different times of day to fit different schedules, including nights and weekends.
The curriculum has been approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) and can prepare students for passing the U.S. Bar Exam.
In its pioneer year, almost 50 individuals have begun their studies in law, representing a study body from more than a dozen countries. Most of the participants have already obtained a foreign law degree, and plan to use their new knowledge to work in law in the U.S.
Various online programs through accredited institutions also offer other law-related programs, such as an associate's in paralegal studies or a legal secretary degree.