Perception Research Services International recently released the results of a study that showed that 83 percent of smartphone owners use the devices while shopping. Students completing ecommerce training or earning a business administration degree may have an increasing focus on ways to market to smartphone owners.
"Marketers would do well to ensure that they understand the role of smart phones and digital content - relative to packaging and POS materials – in the shopping process within their categories. They need to ensure that all their communications are complementing each other and working together," said Jonathan Asher, executive vice president of PRS. "And retailers should now consider how they set their shelves and create merchandising that is "smartphone-friendly."
The study, which was conducted in May 2011 and included responses from about 1,500 consumers, also found that Hispanics and African-Americans use their smartphones to shop more than Caucasian shoppers. The study also found that Americans use their phone to purchase everyday items like groceries and not just on big-ticket items.
A recent survey from CBI Distributive Trades found that ecommerce was the only retail market that showed signs of growth, with those companies reporting a 50 percent gain in sales.