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Santa Barbara Business College - Bachelors Degree

Santa Barbara Business College Bachelors Degree Criminal Justice Degree

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Santa Barbara Business College Criminal Justice Santa Barbara Business College
Criminal Justice

Graduates of the SBBCollege Bachelor’s program in Criminal Justice will be prepared to ...

Santa Barbara Business College Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice Santa Barbara Business College
Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice

Graduates of the SBBCollege Bachelor’s program in Criminal Justice will be prepared to ...

An Online Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice is specialized to train students into professional criminal justice workers. After getting some experience in the field, graduates can be promoted to supervisory positions and mid-management positions. The objective of the Criminal Justice Program is to explain the study of crime, criminals, the law-making process, the criminal justice system and the treatment of offenders. The degree in Criminal Justice will also help students develop critical thinking, analytical, and interpersonal skills applicable to real-world problems, in addition to helping them achieve career goals and rapid advancement in criminal justice and related fields. An Online Criminal Justice Degree can be earned at top-ranked online colleges and online universities nationwide.

Salaries in criminal justice vary widely depending on what level of work you get into. Some examples but not all are: a Law Enforcement Officer's average salary is $45,300 a year, a Police Sergeant's average salary is $57,700 a year, a Police Chief's average salary is $85,000 per year, and a Criminal Justice Social Worker's average salary is $40,000 per year.

* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.

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