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McCann School of Business and Technology

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Paralegal - Associate of Occupational Studies

The McCann School’s paralegal training in Pennsylvania stresses practical and specific paralegal skills designed to meet the employment and personnel training needs of attorneys, corporations, government agencies, law firms, and the legal departments of banks, insurance companies and various business organizations.

Students who complete McCann’s legal assistant courses at any of our campuses – whether it be our Dickson City paralegal school, Pottsville paralegal school or Sunbury paralegal school - can expect to work in many different sectors of law such as litigation, personal injury, criminal law, corporate law, intellectual property, employee benefits, bankruptcy, labor law, immigration, family law, and real estate.

Our PA legal assistant program specializes in classes where students explore legal research, engage in writing and analysis, learn basic concepts of substantive, administrative, and procedural law, acquire basic office skills, and gain a general understanding of the ethical and professional responsibilities of a legal assistant.

The duties of a paralegal or legal assistant are always interesting and will vary depending on the employer. A corporate paralegal may help attorneys with anything from drafting employee contracts, shareholder agreements, stock option plans and employee benefits plans to the preparation and filing of annual financial reports. It might also be the responsibility of a corporate paralegal to stay on top of any changes to government regulations to ensure that the corporation is always operating within the law.

Public sector paralegals may conduct research for attorneys and collect and analyze evidence in preparation for hearings, trials, closings and meetings. Their responsibilities may include organizing materials, composing reports, preparing arguments, drafting pleadings and motions and, when applicable by law, assisting in actual courtroom proceedings.

Paralegal - Associate of Occupational Studies: McCann School of Business and Technology

Paralegal - Associate of Occupational Studies - McCann School of Business and Technology