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Kaplan University - Bachelors Degree

Kaplan University Bachelors Degree Psychology Degree

Choose from the Degree Programs below:
Kaplan University BS in Psychology Kaplan University
BS in Psychology

Do you like people? Are you interested in what makes them tick and why they think, work, or ...

Kaplan University BSPY - Applied Behavior Analysis Kaplan University
BSPY - Applied Behavior Analysis

Undergo extensive examination of design, analysis, and application of learning theories and ...

Kaplan University BSPY - Child Development Kaplan University
BSPY - Child Development

Explore behavioral development from birth to adolescence. Study the various approaches to ...

Kaplan University BSPY - Industrial/Organizational Psychology Kaplan University
BSPY - Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Study the psychology of behavior and attitudes and psychology-related strategies relevant to work ...

Kaplan University BSPY - Substance Abuse Kaplan University
BSPY - Substance Abuse

Identify the risk factors for substance abuse and investigate prevention, evaluation, and ...

An Online Bachelor in Psychology Degree program is an academic and applied field involving the study of the human mind, brain, and behavior. A Bachelor in Psychology Degree program also focuses on the application of various human activities, including problems of individuals' daily lives and the treatment of mental illness. A Psychology Bachelor Degree also may prepare individuals to practice counseling to individuals and groups based on the psychodynamic principles evolved from authorities such as Freud, Adler, and Jung. An Online Psychology Degree can be earned at top-ranked online colleges and online universities nationwide.

A graduate with a Bachelor in Psychology Degree cannot become a Psychiatrist. They must continue school and receive their master degree before they can practice. Some jobs students can go toward after graduating are as follows: Advertising, Travel Agent, Retail, Child Care Worker, Social Worker, etc. Average starting salaries can be anywhere from $25,000-$35,000 per year.

* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.

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