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Capella University - Masters Degree

Capella University Masters Degree Counseling

Choose from the Degree Programs below:
Capella University MS - Addiction Counseling Capella University
MS - Addiction Counseling

Position yourself for increased career opportunities and job satisfaction in the fast-growing ...

Capella University MS - School Counseling Capella University
MS - School Counseling

The demand for qualified school counselors is expected to grow as school enrollments increase, ...

Why Get a Social Science Counseling Master’s Degree

If you are in the field of counseling, then you realize that the more schooling you have the better equipped you are to help those who come to you for assistance.  The higher the degree you earn, the possibility of an increased salary in part, because of increased job opportunities.  This is why it can be very advantageous to get an online masters counseling degree.

Getting an online masters counseling degree is something that makes going back to school a reachable goal.  When you are working and taking care of a family, going back to school during the day  or evening can be problematic.  However, taking counseling classes online can free up your schedule to the point where you can actually get the work done at your own pace,  and during the time of day that best suits your schedule. 

If you have an extra half hour here or there, you can get online and do some studying.  If you have a long lunch hour, you can really benefit from the online studies while eating a quick lunch.  Perhaps you have a couple of hours after the kids go to bed before you are ready to fall asleep. is an excellent resource for finding online institutions that offer the kinds of classes you need to get your degree. 


* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.

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