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Accredited Bachelor Degree Online

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Berks Technical Institute (BTI)

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Paralegal - Associate in Specialized Business

The Paralegal program provides training for the person seeking an entry-level career in a law office or in a law-related profession. The program stresses practical and specific paralegal skills designed to meet the employment and personnel training needs of attorneys, corporations, government agencies, law firms, and the legal departments of banks, insurance companies, and various business organizations. Students explore legal research, writing and analysis, basic concepts of substantive, administrative, and procedural law, acquire basic office skills, and gain a general understanding of the ethical and professional responsibilities of a legal assistant. Graduates may pursue careers as paralegals, legal office assistants, legal secretaries/receptionists, claims examiners, and compliance and enforcement inspectors in business, industry, and government. Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.

Paralegal - Associate in Specialized Business: Berks Technical Institute (BTI)

Paralegal - Associate in Specialized Business - Berks Technical Institute (BTI)