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American National University

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Medical Billing and Coding

If the business side of the healthcare field holds an interest for you, a diploma in medical billing and coding may be for you. Medical billing and coding specialists and medical front office staff play a vital role in the healthcare industry. The duties performed include medical insurance billing and coding, completing and submitting medical insurance forms, creating and maintaining medical charts, preparing reports and correspondence, scheduling appointments, and greeting patients.

American National University’s Medical Billing and Coding diploma program is designed to provide you with the skills to work as either a medical biller or a medical coder, or you may choose to incorporate both career paths as some employers prefer having one person capable of performing both functions.

In addition to serving as a strong foundation for pursuing an associate’s degree in Medical Assisting, this diploma program is designed to give you the skills and techniques needed for entry-level employment as a health claims examiner, claims processor, dental biller or insurance biller.

Each Campus of American National University is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools to award master’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees, associate’s degrees, and diplomas. The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, founded in 1912, is listed as a nationally recognized accrediting agency by the United States Department of Education. Its accreditation of degree-granting institutions is also recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Medical Billing and Coding: American National University

Medical Billing and Coding - American National University