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PhD - Multidisciplinary Human Services

Lead the change you want to see in your community. Capella’s online PhD specialization in Multidisciplinary Human Services takes your understanding of human service leadership, professional practice, research, and ethics to a new level. Through your advanced studies and original doctoral research, you’ll position yourself to guide policies, practices, and legislation that can significantly impact your community and the field of human services. You’ll work with a rich network of experienced human services faculty and professional peers and also gain insights from professionals in other fields, such as public administration, public safety, and health care, who often collaborate with you to create community value. Designed around educational standards in the field, the specialization advances your knowledge of human services, while offering a wide choice of electives that allows you to personalize the program to fit your goals. You may also be able to leverage prior graduate course work through transfer credits. The program’s multidisciplinary approach prepares you for a broad range of human service leadership, management, faculty, and consulting positions focused on developing stronger communities or advancing the skills of the next generation of human service leaders.

PhD - Multidisciplinary Human Services: Capella University

PhD - Multidisciplinary Human Services - Capella University