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DrPH - Health Advocacy and Leadership

Increase your effectiveness as a public health advocate and leader and make an immediate impact in your field through an applied public health research project. This professional doctorate, developed around national public health curriculum standards, is one of few online DrPH specializations in Health Advocacy and Leadership. The curriculum emphasizes leadership theories and principles; public health program and policy planning, implementation, and evaluation; factors that contribute to population-based health disparities, nationally and globally; and communication, collaboration, advocacy, and leadership strategies used to address public health issues. All courses are taken in sequence, allowing you to learn and build professional relationships with the same cohort of students. Capella’s multidisciplinary approach to public health education also provides you with opportunities to collaborate with other public and private sector professionals whose work often intersects with the field of public health. People who choose this specialization are often pursuing leadership positions in government, private, or community-based public health organizations. Review of this specialization is pending in ND and SC.

DrPH - Health Advocacy and Leadership: Capella University

DrPH - Health Advocacy and Leadership - Capella University